MLSteam AI Platform - for IT

MLSteam AI Platform - the DNN life cycle system, MLOps

MLSteam AI Platform provides the complete software stack required for deep learning models development and models serving. With a user-friendly web interface, users can easily manage datasets for training models, schedule training jobs, manage multiple servers, view the hardware resource usage...etc.

Mnimized Managmenet

  • Resource managemnt
  • infrastructure management
  • Resource allocation map
  • Realtime Resouce monitoring


Painless Adoption

  • LDAP/AD support
  • Full-function REST API
  • Webhook for event notification



Support Latest Hardware Accelerators

MLSteam aims to support the latest hardware and software stack. Including the latest A100 GPU from Nvidia. MIG(multi-Instance GPU) can be easily enabled on the platform. MLSteam also supports the latest MI200 GPU from AMD, with zero configuration, easy and fast setup for DNN developers.