Conversational AI Support

September 22, 2022 – MyelinTek Inc. is invited by GIGABYTE to have an AI technical session at the global AI conference on NVIDIA GTC Fall, demonstrating MyelinTek MLSteam helps with conversational AI.

MyelinTek demonstrates NVIDIA NeMo and NVIDIA Riva by operating the conversational AI development platform, showing the process including creating an integrated development environment, loading the pre-trained models and the application logic, and the model serving. Learn what conversational AI and application would be. 

In the presentation, we also point out the advantages of using the AI development platform, such as hardware management, monitoring and allocation, the integration of the developer tools, software, and templates, and the model serving and retraining with pipelines. This helps AI teams save time and money, and focus more on their domain knowledge.

Not only AI software, but also talk about the kinds of servers that best support unique features of NVIDIA technology, so that you can find a good choice for your AI applications.




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